
If you are currently running WinJewel version 4.03(v) or later
AND ARE RUNNING WINDOWS 95 OR 98 then this update is for you.

If NOT then click on Home and choose another update.

The version number of your program is shown on the bar at the very top of the WinJewel program when it is running.


Download the following files into any folder on your computer.
(Just remember what folder that you save it in)
Then run SETUP.EXE that will be found in that folder.

(NOTE: there may be other SETUP.EXE on your computer
but they will not install WinJewel)

This will download version 5.01(i) Dated 5-6-99

If you are running multiple computers the setup.exe should be run on each computer for this update

Download from West Coast USA Server (Pullman WA)
click this line for setup.exe. (Short file)
click this line for setup.lst. (Very short file)
(Some browser programs will try to show this file on the screen instead of saving it because it has a suffix of "lst". If your browser does this then go back to this screen and click on "setup.lst" again but with the right mouse button. This will open a menu box. Choose "Save" and save the file to the same folder naming the file "setup.lst".)
click this line for winjew1.cab.(Long file)
click this line for winjew2.cab.(Long file)
click this line for winjew3.cab.(Long file)
click this line for winjew4.cab.(Long file)
click this line for winjew5.cab.(Long file)

Download from East Coast USA Server (Atlanta GA)
click this line for setup.exe. (Short file)
click this line for setup.lst. (Very short file)
(Some browser programs will try to show this file on the screen instead of saving it because it has a suffix of "lst". If your browser does this then go back to this screen and click on "setup.lst" again but with the right mouse button. This will open a menu box. Choose "Save" and save the file to the same folder naming the file "setup.lst".)
click this line for winjew1.cab.(Long file)
click this line for winjew2.cab.(Long file)
click this line for winjew3.cab.(Long file)
click this line for winjew4.cab.(Long file)
click this line for winjew5.cab.(Long file)